HotSpot: Employee Communications Blog

Communication Trends for 2024 Open Enrollment

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Sep 24, 2024 9:15:00 AM

It’s that time of year again! For many, Open Enrollment is coming up quickly. Whether you have new providers, big changes, or keeping things status quo, here are communications trends for 2024 you may want to consider.

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, benefits

Communication Trends for 2023 Open Enrollment

Posted by Richelle Waron on Jun 28, 2023 9:30:00 AM

  Richelle Waron

Summer may just be getting started, but Open Enrollment is right around the corner. Believe it or not, we’ve already begun working on OE communications for several clients. Whether you have sweeping program-wide changes, or are keeping things status quo, here are some communications trends for 2023 you may want to consider for your next enrollment season.

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, benefits

Video Blog: Neuromarketing

Posted by Spitfire Communications on May 18, 2023 12:55:21 PM

Neuromarketing combines principals of marketing, psychology and behavior to maximize engagement and reduce uncertainty. Learn how you can use it to connect with your employees by watching our video with tips and tricks.


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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, culture, graphic design, psychology, branding, neuromarketing

Holistic Health and Reaching Remote Workers

Posted by Richelle Waron on Apr 26, 2023 1:22:19 PM

Richelle Waron

I believe that we can all agree the past three years have been one heck of a wild ride. From lockdowns, homeschooling, and social distancing, to inflation, the great resignation and revenge travel, it’s been a turbulent time both at work and at home. Bridging the gap between work and home is the accelerated shift to remote or hybrid workplaces. According to a LinkedIn Economic analysis, it is predicted that 36 million Americans will be working remotely in 2025, a 417% increase from pre-pandemic levels.

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, culture, graphic design, color, psychology, branding

The Psychology of Color

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Mar 21, 2023 9:45:00 AM

"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso


Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to encourage you to act, make you feel a certain way and even make your body react. Certain colors have correlations with physical reactions/changes, such as increases in blood pressure, metabolism (yes, please!) and even eye strain.

The psychology of color refers to the impact that different colors have on human emotions and behavior. Color is a powerful tool that can be used to influence the way people perceive and interact with visual information.

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, culture, graphic design, color, psychology, branding

The Importance of Company Culture for Recruiting and Retaining Talent

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Feb 28, 2023 10:00:00 AM

For organizations that are trying to recruit and retain top talent in today’s ultra-competitive job market, company culture should be top of mind.  A strong company culture is an automatic advantage in the war for talent by fostering a sense of loyalty in your current employees and making your organization more desirable to potential candidates. 

A 2019 survey from Glassdoor found that 77% of candidates consider a company’s culture before applying for a job and 56% said a good workplace culture was more important to them than salary. Furthermore, a 2022 Jobvite survey found that 32% of job seekers who had left a job within the first 90 days listed a poor company culture as the reason.

It’s pretty clear to see that company culture can make or break an employer’s recruitment and retention strategy. How can you align your employee communications to ensure that your company culture is consistently and compellingly promoted? Keep reading.

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, benefit package, culture, recruiting, talent

Helping Employees Navigate Economic Uncertainty

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Feb 1, 2023 11:00:00 AM

We had a bit of a reprieve for a while there and we collectively took a deep breath. But, somewhere between the dreaded virus (*cough*Covid) crisis, record breaking inflationand an overseas war, the familiar phrase “recession” has reared its ugly head again. 

According to arecent quarterly survey from McKinsey, the second half of 2022 is suffering from a somber economic outlook. In fact,72%of U.S. employees are currently stressed about their finances and nearly 9 in 10 revealed they’re reassessing their financial situation. 

Stress not only impacts your employees’ mental health but also their level of productivity. Employees dealing with financial stress lose, on average, 11.4 hoursin productivity every week – which translates to approximately $4 billionin lost productivity weekly for U.S. employers. 

It’s imperative for businesses to focus on strategic planning and risk management so they can be ready to adapt to any unexpected changes. Your employee communications should supplement and support those efforts. 

Times of financial uncertainty can be difficult to navigate when you have all the information, but when everything is up in the air, it’s obviously even harder. Don’t leave your employees to struggle alone. Here’s how you can help:

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Tags: Employee Communications, 401(k), HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, benefit package, financial wellness, economy, inflation, cost of living

Effectively Communicating Total Compensation

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Jan 18, 2023 10:08:00 AM

As an increasing number of organizations move toward complete pay transparency, the importance of informing employees about exactly how they’re compensated is a key part of the process. Total compensation statements are a way to paint the bigger picture by showing your employees the breakdown of their benefits and rewards beyond just base salary. 

Total compensation, when communicated effectively, can help boost employee engagement, retention and talent attraction while educating employees on how they’re truly being compensated. It’s vital to include the right information, adhere to certain best practices and arm your managers with the tools they need to engage in discussions with employees. 


Keep reading to learn how to communicate total compensation to your employees, so you can optimize the outcomes.

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Tags: Employee Communications, 401(k), HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, benefit package, compensation statement, financial wellness, eap

Mental Health in the Workplace

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Dec 6, 2022 9:30:00 AM

When it comes to supporting employees’ mental health in the workplace, the only thing more crucial than communication is action. And, for many employers, a concerted commitment to mental well-being is tied directly to the overall health of the business. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that employee depression accounts for 200 million lost workdays each year and costs employers up to $44 billion. And, outside of the day-to-day cost of distress in the workplace, the toll depression can take on an organization’s culture paves the path for unhappy employees, decreased retention and increased turnover across the board. 

On the flip side, employers who invest in their employees’ mental health see four times the financial return for their business. 


In short: It’s always a good time to prioritize mental health in the workplace, and below we’ll walk you through “how.” 

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, culture, wellness, 2022, eap

The Corporate Equality Index & Communicating DEI

Posted by Spitfire Communications on Nov 16, 2022 10:15:00 AM

The Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is a national rating system on corporate policies, practices and benefits as they pertain to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees in the workplace. The CEI is organized and implemented through the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and this year marks its 20th anniversary. 

The CEI is a highly respected tool for weighing organizations on their ability to uphold a diverse and accommodating workplace, and the Annual Corporate Equality Index Report uses it to determine the most inclusive places to work in the U.S. 

Any company who’s committed to prioritizing DEI is likely to strive toward a spot on the CEI list. Keep reading to learn exactly what the Corporate Equality Index is, why it’s vital to maintaining an inclusive company culture and a few key CEI criteria updates in 2023. 

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Tags: Employee Communications, HR Communications, Employee Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, internal communications, communication strategy, Employee Marketing, culture, 2022, inclusivity, diversity

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