Gonmit Sehmbi
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2021, 19.1% of persons with disabilities were employed, up from 17.9% in 2020. However, employer disability inclusion programs should encompass more than just hiring people with disabilities. Unfortunately, not many organizations see this focus as a way to enhance their company brand and employee culture.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the promise an employer makes to their employees in return for their commitment to the organization and the skills and contributions they bring to the table.
This promise consists of all the key components — such as benefits, perks and rewards — that each employee will receive from their employer in return for their dedicated service.
An EVP is a special arrangement between the employer and their employees and it sits at the core of every organization’s employer branding strategy. It clearly defines what a company stands for, and why it’s a unique and desirable place to work.
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Employee Communications,
retirement plan,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total rewards,
employee value proposition
Many of today’s employees are failing to take full advantage of their retirement benefits and running the risk of being unable to retire comfortably.
In fact, in a national survey of employees with workplace retirement plans, 71% listed “living comfortably in retirement” as a top life goal. Unfortunately, less than half of them have confidence that their retirement savings will be enough, and a further 55% don’t feel secure in their retirement planning at all.
So, how can organizations engage employees and encourage them to maximize their retirement plans? It all starts with well-executed employee communications.
In this blog, we’ll break down how to communicate retirement benefits to employees, so they feel secure and empowered while planning their financial future.
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Employee Communications,
retirement plan,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total rewards,
Financial wellness programs are fast becoming one of the most popular benefits offered by today’s employers. And with good reason…
According to a 2022 survey from SoFi:
- 75% of employees are stressed about their finances.
- 51% of employees are more stressed about their finances today than they were during the height of the pandemic.
- Employees spend around 25% of their work week dealing with financial issues.
It’s clear to see – there’s never been a better time to prioritize communications that make financial wellness an achievable reality for your employees. The programs you promote today can help reduce their stress, improve their money management habits and even increase their productivity and job satisfaction.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total rewards,
Many companies have come to realize that creating an inclusive and inviting organizational culture isn’t just the responsible thing to do — it also has a direct impact on the business bottom line.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total rewards,
The “Great Resignation” is raging on in 2022, with 4.3 million workers quitting their jobs in January alone and resignations up 23% above pre-pandemic levels. This HR phenomenon refers to the roughly 33 million Americans who have quit their jobs since the spring of 2021, causing a ripple effect of recruiting and retention difficulties for companies in every sector.
Between older workers retiring early, secondary earners deciding to stay home, and a vast majority of employees simply quitting to get better pay or treatment, this stall-out in the talent market is making it next-to-impossible for many employers to attract and retain top talent.
So, how do you hold onto your employees and engage new talent to reduce turnover and improve your talent acquisition efforts? It all starts with demonstrating just how much you value your people.
Because the truth is: if you don’t show it, they’ll seek it elsewhere.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total rewards,
During a time when many employees are over-stressed, overwhelmed with change and burnt out by their jobs, humor is a tool that can be used to increase employee engagement and make work a whole lot more fun.
Since keeping employees happy is a winning way to ensure job satisfaction, what can employers specifically do to boost employee morale?
While there isn’t a catch-all answer to that question, making people laugh and smile tends to be synonymous with happiness in the moment. And, when employees laugh and smile at work, it can increase their feelings of loyalty, improve retention and enhance overall wellness in the workplace.
So, how do you infuse humor into your employee communications? Keep reading.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total compensation,
total rewards,
For an employee communications strategy to be successful, it should be inextricably linked to company culture, employee engagement and goals.
One-way organizational communication is a thing of the past. Instead, employees expect to be educated, informed, motivated and, above all else, listened to.
In part one of this Guide to Strategic Employee Communications, we broke down why metrics are so vital to strategic employee communications and how to measure your effectiveness for actionable results.
In part two below, we’ll highlight six best practices for employee communications that help you continuously improve your current strategy and ensure you’re using each channel to your advantage.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total compensation,
total rewards,
Many organizations are so busy planning out their marketing and public relations communications, they neglect to apply the same principles to their internal communications.
If you’re not paying attention to how people are communicating across the company and integrating it on a strategic level, you’re missing an opportunity to align your organizational goals with the metrics and KPIs that can help you achieve them.
Strategic employee internal communications take into account the totality of your company’s actions, messages and images. They work together to cohesively build your employer brand and enhance your company culture. And their success is tied directly to how they’re measured.
In part one of this blog post to strategic employee communications, we’ll go over why the right metrics make a difference and how to effectively measure your employee communications.
In part two, you’ll learn the best practices to help you succeed in strategic employee communications.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total compensation,
total rewards,
Organizations who are committed to staying competitive in today’s talent market should consider a compensation communication strategies in 2022.
And while HR has been busy with a bottomless list of issues the last two years, compensation strategy is surging in importance for most employers — as they determine how to compete for and retain top talent in the current and future economy.
Implementing a winning total compensation strategy starts with clear, concise employee communications. Keep reading to learn the best practices for communicating your total compensation statements to your employees.
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Employee Communications,
HR Communications,
Employee Engagement,
Open Enrollment,
Human Resources,
internal communications,
communication strategy,
Employee Marketing,
total compensation,
total rewards,