With so many of us juggling work responsibilities and trying to find time for a personal life, you’ve got to appreciate it when you can get the information you need in a short and concise communication. As the one delivering the message, understand and respect that everyone is working hard to find more free time. If it can be said in fewer words, do it!
Here are some tips to keeping your internal communications simple:
Highlight key information.
Use colors, highlights, call-outs to draw attention to important information, especially any calls to action.
Use bullet points.
- Bullets are a great way to highlight the important key features, while keeping the message clear and brief.
Use plain, straight-forward language.
Show don’t tell.
- Think visual instead of using just text. Videos and infographics can convey a message in a more engaging (and interesting!) way.
Emphasize how you can help.
- By communicating in a way that is useful to your audience, they will be more likely to use that information to take action.
Lengthy explanations can tend to confuse and/or bore the reader – get to the point and your message will be better understood and everyone will be happy! We call it Keep It Short and Simple, our version of the KISS principle!