Mobile apps have laid an irreversible groundwork for the way we digitize business, consumption, entertainment and unique user experiences all across the world. They bring convenience to our collective fingertips and knowledge at a moment’s notice. Apps can transform the way we create, play, perform, produce and learn.
Slowly but surely, apps are also weaving their way into the workplace; starting to be seen as valuable strategic tools for employer-to-employee communication and enhancers of the entire employee experience.
Are you wondering how you can (and why you should) use these digital game changers to your advantage? Look no further, People Managers. There’s an app for that. And you can even create it yourself.
Here Are The Top 5 Reasons to Up Your Employee Communications Game With an Internal HR App:
1. Directly Address Needs to Drive Action
With fingertip access to customizable tools and timely information, HR apps are an easy way for your employees to take action. Features like push notifications, personalized content, surveys and mobile campaigns give them the chance to create their own unique user experiences. This autonomy helps them address their most pressing professional needs, while your organization stays in the forefront of their daily digital routine. With an HR app, you become a part of the feedback loop, not just the conveyor of memos and messages.
2. Powerful Analytics Provide Practical InsightsHR apps allow your organization to use real-time data to drive informed HR decisions and management policies. This data can provide insights into complex issues like the disconnect between recruitment objectives and outcomes, or the real story behind high turnover rates. HR apps can also streamline automated processes like payroll, benefits administration and time tracking. From this data-driven approach, impactful changes can be made, communicated, and integrated into the company culture.
3. A Chance to Reinforce Your Organization’s Unique BrandOne of the essential elements of designing any mobile app is a one-of-a-kind user experience. HR apps are definitely no different. Their look and feel should reflect your organization’s unique brand identity, using your company logo, customized colors, typography and icons to bolster your brand. If you build it your way, an HR app can be transformed into a tool used to inform, engage, entertain, recognize and reward your greatest brand ambassadors: your employees.
4. An Opportunity For Social InteractionWith a skyrocketing rise in remote employment opportunities, digital tools are becoming staples for connecting the organization in meaningful and productive ways. HR apps with features like newsfeeds, chat rooms, groups and instant messaging facilitate convenient social interaction for employees, regardless of their location. This dynamic strengthens employee relationships, aids in top-down and bottom-up communication and creates a culture of sharing.
5. Company-Wide Convenience: A Collective SighBy giving your employees access to time-sensitive information, policy details and other key organizational data, you’ll be saving time for everyone on the team (especially HR). Condensing that information into one inclusive channel makes your new HR app the hub of employee communications. Employees can find answers without ever having to ask questions, and employees stay current on the most vital initiatives and the role they play in their achievement.
Whether your organization is seeking to create a more engaging and self-driven employee experience, gather actionable data to inform key HR and business decisions, equip your most valuable brand ambassadors with a captivating user experience, or provide a modernized platform for social interaction, creating an HR app is a surefire way to streamline some of your workplace’s most priority processes and communications. Go forth… and build a solution.